Character Wiki

Pokémon the Series: The Beginning, int. TB, is the first series of Pokémon the Series which follows Ash's adventures through Kanto and the Orange Islands and corresponds with Generation I.

The series covers a rookie Trainer from Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum, who begins his journey as a Trainer to become the most powerful Pokémon Master all of time. As Ash overslept on the day he was supposed to receive his First partner Pokémon, he ended up getting a disobedient Pikachu. However, after Ash protected it from a flock of angry Spearow, Ash began to earn Pikachu’s trust and became his close companion. Joining him on his journey is a Water-type specialist from Cerulean City, Misty and the Pewter City Gym Leader, who also wants to be a Pokémon Breeder, Brock. During the course of their journey, Brock and Misty act as Ash's mentors and guide him throughout the series. Following them are Team Rocket, a villainous group that becomes obsessed with stealing Ash's Pikachu.

After Ash lost in the Kanto Pokémon League against one of his rivals, Ritchie, he was asked by Professor Oak to retrieve a mysterious Poké Ball, the GS Ball, so he could study it. In doing so, Ash traveled through the Orange Islands with Misty while Brock decided to stay with Professor Ivy for a while. They were soon accompanied by a Pokémon Watcher named Tracey Sketchit and soon after sailing through the islands with the help of a lost baby Lapras. This series ended with Ash managing to win the Orange League.

Once Ash and his friends returned with the GS Ball, Professor Oak couldn't figure out how to open the ball. Gary Oak, Ash's childhood rival, informs them of the Johto region where an old man named Kurt makes Poké Balls out of Apricorns. Professor Oak instructed Ash to take the Poké Ball to Kurt and in doing so, compete in the Johto League. During his travels to Johto, Ash is accompanied once again by Brock and Misty, while Tracey decides to stay in Pallet Town and work as Professor Oak's assistant.


Episodes from Pokémon: Indigo League[]

  1. 1998-09-08 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E01 - Pokémon - I Choose You! - Tuesday September 8, 1998
  2. 1998-09-09 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E02 - Pokémon Emergency - Wednesday September 9, 1998
  3. 1998-09-10 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E03 - Ash Catches a Pokémon - Thursday September 10, 1998
  4. 1998-09-11 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E04 - Challenge of the Samurai - Friday September 11, 1998
  5. 1998-09-14 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E05 - Showdown in Pewter City - Monday September 14, 1998
  6. 1998-09-15 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E06 - Clefairy and the Moon Stone - Tuesday September 15, 1998
  7. 1998-09-16 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E07 - The Water Flowers of Cerulean City - Wednesday September 16, 1998
  8. 1998-09-17 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E08 - The Path to the Pokémon League - Thursday September 17, 1998
  9. 1998-09-18 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E09 - The School of Hard Knocks - Friday September 18, 1998
  10. 1998-09-21 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E10 - Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village - Monday September 21, 1998
  11. 1998-09-22 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E11 - Charmander-The Stray Pokémon - Tuesday September 22, 1998
  12. 1998-09-23 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E12 - Here Comes the Squirtle Squad - Wednesday September 23, 1998
  13. 1998-09-24 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E13 - Mystery at the Lighthouse - Thursday September 24, 1998
  14. 1998-09-25 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E14 - Electric Shock Showdown - Friday September 25, 1998
  15. 1998-09-28 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E15 - Battle Aboard the St. Anne - Monday September 28, 1998
  16. 1998-09-29 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E16 - Pokémon Shipwreck - Tuesday September 29, 1998
  17. 1998-09-30 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E17 - Island of the Giant Pokémon - Wednesday September 30, 1998
  18. 2000-06-24 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E18 - Beauty and the Beach - Saturday June 24, 2000
  19. 1998-10-01 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E19 - Tentacool & Tentacruel - Thursday October 1, 1998
  20. 1998-10-02 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E20 - The Ghost of Maiden's Peak - Friday October 2, 1998
  21. 1998-10-05 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E21 - Bye Bye Butterfree - Monday October 5, 1998
  22. 1998-10-06 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E22 - Abra and the Psychic Showdown - Tuesday October 6, 1998
  23. 1998-10-07 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E23 - The Tower of Terror - Wednesday October 7, 1998
  24. 1998-10-08 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E24 - Haunter vs. Kadabra - Thursday October 8, 1998
  25. 1998-10-09 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E25 - Primeape Goes Bananas - Friday October 9, 1998
  26. 1998-10-12 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E26 - Pokémon Scent-sation! - Monday October 12, 1998
  27. 1998-10-13 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E27 - Hypno's Naptime - Tuesday October 13, 1998
  28. 1998-10-14 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E28 - Pokémon Fashion Flash - Wednesday October 14, 1998
  29. 1998-10-15 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E29 - The Punchy Pokémon - Thursday October 15, 1998
  30. 1998-10-16 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E30 - Sparks Fly for Magnemite - Friday October 16, 1998
  31. 1998-10-19 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E31 - Dig Those Diglett! - Monday October 19, 1998
  32. 1998-10-20 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E32 - The Ninja Poké-Showdown - Tuesday October 20, 1998
  33. 1998-10-21 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E33 - The Flame Pokémon-athon! - Wednesday October 21, 1998
  34. 1998-10-22 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E34 - The Kangaskhan Kid - Thursday October 22, 1998
  35. 1998-10-23 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E35 - The Bridge Bike Gang - Friday October 23, 1998
  36. 1998-10-26 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E36 - Ditto's Mysterious Mansion - Monday October 26, 1998
  37. 1998-11-20 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E37 - Pikachu's Good-Bye - Friday November 20, 1998
  38. 1998-10-27 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E38 - The Battling Eevee Brothers - Tuesday October 27, 1998
  39. 1998-10-28 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E39 - Wake Up Snorlax! - Wednesday October 28, 1998
  40. 1998-10-29 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E40 - Showdown at Dark City - Thursday October 29, 1998
  41. 1998-11-02 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E41 - The March of the Exeggutor Squad - Monday November 2, 1998
  42. 1999-02-13 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E42 - The Problem with Paras - Saturday February 13, 1999
  43. 1999-02-20 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E43 - The Song of Jigglypuff - Saturday February 20, 1999
  44. 1999-02-27 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E44 - Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon - Saturday February 27, 1999
  45. 1999-03-06 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E45 - A Chansey Operation - Saturday March 6, 1999
  46. 1999-03-13 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E46 - Holy Matrimony! - Saturday March 13, 1999
  47. 1999-03-20 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E47 - So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd - Saturday March 20, 1999
  48. 1999-03-27 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E48 - Who Gets to Keep Togepi? - Saturday March 27, 1999
  49. 1999-04-03 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E49 - Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden - Saturday April 3, 1999
  50. 1999-04-10 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E50 - The Case of the K-9 Caper! - Saturday April 10, 1999
  51. 1999-04-17 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E51 - Pokémon Paparazzi - Saturday April 17, 1999
  52. 1999-04-24 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E52 - The Ultimate Test - Saturday April 24, 1999
  53. 1999-05-01 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E53 - The Breeding Center Secret - Saturday May 1, 1999
  54. 1999-09-04 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E54 - Princess vs. Princess - Saturday September 4, 1999
  55. 1999-09-11 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E55 - The Purr-fect Hero - Saturday September 11, 1999
  56. 1999-09-18 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E56 - Riddle Me This - Saturday September 18, 1999
  57. 1999-09-18 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E57 - Volcanic Panic - Saturday September 18, 1999
  58. 1999-09-20 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E58 - Beach Blank-out Blastoise - Monday September 20, 1999
  59. 1999-09-23 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E59 - The Misty Mermaid - Thursday September 23, 1999
  60. 1999-09-25 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E60 - Clefairy Tales - Saturday September 25, 1999
  61. 1999-09-25 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E61 - The Battle of the Badge - Saturday September 25, 1999
  62. 1999-09-27 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E62 - It's Mr. Mime Time - Monday September 27, 1999
  63. 1999-12-11 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E63 - Holiday Hi-Jynx - Saturday December 11, 1999
  64. 1999-12-18 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E64 - Snow Way Out! - Saturday December 18, 1999
  65. 1999-09-30 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E65 - Showdown at the Po-ké Corral - Thursday September 30, 1999
  66. 1999-10-02 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E66 - The Evolution Solution - Saturday October 2, 1999
  67. 1999-10-02 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E67 - The Pi-Kahuna - Saturday October 2, 1999
  68. 1999-10-04 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E68 - Make Room for Gloom! - Monday October 4, 1999
  69. 1999-10-08 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E69 - Lights, Camera, Quack-tion! - Friday October 8, 1999
  70. 1999-10-09 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E70 - Go West Young Meowth - Saturday October 9, 1999
  71. 1999-10-11 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E71 - To Master the Onixpected - Monday October 11, 1999
  72. 1999-10-14 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E72 - The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis - Thursday October 14, 1999
  73. 1999-10-16 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E73 - Bad to the Bone - Saturday October 16, 1999
  74. 1999-10-23 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E74 - All Fired Up! - Saturday October 23, 1999
  75. 1999-10-30 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E75 - Round One—Begin! - Saturday October 30, 1999
  76. 1999-11-06 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E76 - Fire and Ice - Saturday November 6, 1999
  77. 1999-11-13 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E77 - The Fourth Round Rumble - Saturday November 13, 1999
  78. 1999-11-20 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E78 - A Friend in Deed - Saturday November 20, 1999
  79. 1999-11-27 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E79 - Friend and Foe Alike - Saturday November 27, 1999
  80. 1999-11-27 - Pokémon: Indigo League - S01E80 - Friends to the End - Saturday November 27, 1999

Episodes from Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands[]

  1. 1999-12-04 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E01 - Pallet Party Panic - Saturday December 4, 1999
  2. 2000-01-08 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E02 - A Scare in the Air - Saturday January 8, 2000
  3. 2000-01-15 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E03 - Pokéball Peril - Saturday January 15, 2000
  4. 2000-01-22 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E04 - The Lost Lapras - Saturday January 22, 2000
  5. 2000-02-05 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E05 - Fit to Be Tide! - Saturday February 5, 2000
  6. 2000-02-05 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E06 - Pikachu Re-Volts - Saturday February 5, 2000
  7. 2000-02-05 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E07 - The Crystal Onix - Saturday February 5, 2000
  8. 2000-02-12 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E08 - In the Pink - Saturday February 12, 2000
  9. 2000-03-04 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E09 - Shell Shock! - Saturday March 4, 2000
  10. 2000-02-12 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E10 - Stage Fight - Sunday March 12, 2000
  11. 2000-02-26 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E11 - Bye Bye Psyduck - Sunday March 26, 2000
  12. 2000-03-04 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E12 - The Joy of Pokémon - Saturday March 4, 2000
  13. 2000-03-11 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E13 - Navel Maneuvers - Saturday March 11, 2000
  14. 2000-03-25 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E14 - Snack Attack - Saturday March 25, 2000
  15. 2000-03-25 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E15 - A Shipful of Shivers - Saturday March 25, 2000
  16. 2000-04-01 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E16 - Meowth Rules! - Saturday April 1, 2000
  17. 2000-04-08 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E17 - Tracey Gets Bugged - Saturday April 8, 2000
  18. 2000-04-15 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E18 - A Way Off Day Off - Saturday April 15, 2000
  19. 2000-04-08 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E19 - The Mandarin Island Miss Match - Saturday April 8, 2000
  20. 2000-04-22 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E20 - Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? - Saturday April 22, 2000
  21. 2000-04-29 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E21 - Git Along, Little Pokémon - Saturday April 29, 2000
  22. 2000-05-06 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E22 - The Mystery Menace - Saturday May 6, 2000
  23. 2000-09-09 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E23 - Misty Meets Her Match - Saturday September 9, 2000
  24. 2000-09-15 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E24 - Bound for Trouble - Friday September 15, 2000
  25. 2000-09-02 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E25 - Charizard Chills - Saturday September 2, 2000
  26. 2000-08-26 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E26 - The Pokémon Water War - Saturday August 26, 2000
  27. 2000-08-19 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E27 - Pokémon Food Fight - Saturday August 19, 2000
  28. 2000-09-09 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E28 - Pokémon Double Trouble - Saturday September 9, 2000
  29. 2000-09-16 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E29 - The Wacky Watcher - Saturday September 16, 2000
  30. 2000-09-16 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E30 - The Stun Spore Detour - Saturday September 16, 2000
  31. 2000-09-23 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E31 - Hello Pummelo - Saturday September 23, 2000
  32. 2000-09-23 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E32 - Enter the Dragonite - Saturday September 23, 2000
  33. 2000-09-30 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E33 - Viva Las Lapras - Saturday September 30, 2000
  34. 2000-09-30 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E34 - The Underground Round Up - Saturday September 30, 2000
  35. 2000-10-07 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E35 - A Tent Situation - Saturday October 7, 2000
  36. 2000-10-14 - Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands - S02E36 - The Rivalry Revival - Saturday October 14, 2000

Team Rocket's Motto - 1997-1998 ver.[]

  • Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
  • James: Make it double!
  • Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
  • James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
  • Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
  • James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
  • Jessie: Jessie!
  • James: James!
  • Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
  • James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
  • Meowth: Meowth! That's right!



  • Ash Ketchum
  • Misty
  • Brock
  • Tracey Sketchit


  • Gary Oak
  • Ritchie


  • Team Rocket
    • Jessie
    • James
    • Giovanni
    • Cassidy
    • Butch

Recurring characters[]

  • Gym Leaders
  • Elite Four
  • Delia Ketchum
  • Professor Oak
  • Officer Jenny
  • Nurse Joy
  • Todd Snap
  • Charles Goodshow
  • Professor Ivy


Ash's Pokémon[]

  • Ash's Pikachu
  • Ash's Caterpie - Ash's Metapod - Ash's Butterfree
  • Ash's Pidgeotto - Ash's Pidgeot
  • Ash's Bulbasaur
  • Ash's Charmander - Ash's Charmeleon - Ash's Charizard
  • Ash's Squirtle
  • Ash's Krabby - Ash's Kingler
  • Ash's Raticate
  • Ash's Haunter
  • Ash's Mankey - Ash's Primeape
  • Ash's Muk
  • Ash's Tauros (30x)
  • Ash's Lapras
  • Ash's Snorlax

Misty's Pokémon[]

  • Misty's Staryu
  • Misty's Starmie
  • Misty's Goldeen
  • Misty's Horsea
  • Misty's Psyduck
  • Misty's Togepi
  • Misty's Seel - Misty's Dewgong
  • Misty's Poliwag

Brock's Pokémon[]

  • Brock's Onix
  • Brock's Geodude
  • Brock's Zubat
  • Brock's Vulpix

Tracey's Pokémon[]

  • Tracey's Venonat
  • Tracey's Marill
  • Tracey's Scyther
  • Tracey's Dodrio

Team Rocket's Pokémon[]

  • Team Rocket's Meowth
  • Jessie's Ekans - Jessie's Arbok
  • Jessie's Lickitung
  • Jessie's Shellder
  • James's Koffing - James's Weezing
  • James's Magikarp - James's Gyarados
  • James's Growlie
  • James's Weepinbell - James's Victreebel

Opening Themes[]

  • Pokémon Theme
  • Pokémon World

Ending Themes[]

  • Pokémon Theme
  • Pokémon World
  • Kanto Pokérap
  • My Best Friends
  • Double Trouble (Team Rocket)
  • What Kind of Pokémon Are You?
  • Together Forever
  • 2.B.A. Master
  • Viridian City

See also from Pokémon the Series[]
